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Tips for sharing your COVID updates

The Prime Minister has announced that we will enter the red alert setting on the traffic light system in the event that Omicron is detected in the community. Beep can support your organisation to keep everyone informed and safe, via text, email, Facebook, and app notification.

Here are some tips for how best to manage informing your staff, clients or members.

Text: use text for important alerts and to direct your community to email, Facebook, and app for more detailed updates over the next few days.

App notifications, Facebook and emails: in a couple of clicks share ongoing communications across all three platforms – your organisation Facebook page, app and via email. Coverage counts.

Target: quickly and easily send updates to specific groups already set up in your contact management system, for example groups who may be impacted by event cancellations or postponements.

Remote access: ensure that in the event of snap lockdowns you and your leadership have remote access to all your communication channels, including Facebook. The Beep platform can be accessed online giving you and your team access to text, app notifications, Facebook and email all in one place.

Read how our clients have previously responded to changes in alert levels / traffic light settings:


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